plugged in, zoned out
people in the city work hard to avoid eye contact and interaction with strangers on a daily basis. we're surrounded by people yet do things to avoid them at all costs. if we saw and observed everything happening around us, it would become hard to function. it's nothing personal, it's an act of self preservation. in a city of 9.6 million people, things that happen within its urban landscape can lead to poorly regulated emotions. i, for one, feel empowered to be part of something bigger than myself in the city. yet, because the world around me is so majestic, it swallows me in it's greatness. these are the effects of crowding and noise: all of the things that come with living somewhere with millions of people. it's why we like to dissociate, because we are living on top of each other, trying to achieve our dreams in our concrete and competitive environment. plugging in and zoning out keeps us safe and sane. we also ultimately realise that we don't belong in the city. we belong nowhere.